Continuous Quality Improvement

Office Practice Improvement

The PCN Evaluation and Office Practice Improvement Consultant and Panel Management Assistants (PMAs) work with clinic team members to identify, manage and maintain patient panels for physicians. The goal is to develop standard processes and use common coding and assessment protocols to support proactive patient care. PMAs communicate patient needs for screening and work to optimize use of the electronic medical record. An additional benefit has been the refinement of clinic processes to eliminate extra work, freeing up clinical staff to do more work with patients.

Continuing Medical Education

Bow Valley PCN also coordinates learning opportunities for local primary care physicians, the PCN Inter-Professional team and clinic staff. These take the form of professional development seminars and continuing medical education opportunities. Recent topics have included Exercise for People with Chronic Lung Diseases. Female Sexual Function and Infections and Immunization. Depending on the topic, other healthcare providers from community and hospital settings are often invited to these sessions.